Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Saint Peter's Cathedral Stained Glass: Saint Dominic Window

The first window I am going to focus on in Saint Peter's Cathedral-Basilica, London, Ontario, Canada, is The window depicting Saint Dominic on the Epistle side of the nave, near the back of the Basilica.  This window is one of two that commemorate the parents of Bishop Michael Fallon, Dominic and Brigid.  Bishop Michael Fallon was Bishop of the Diocese of London from 1909 until his death in 1931, much of the Cathedral's decoration was undertaken by him.  This photo  shows both windows. The window of Saint Dominic that we are focusing on is on the right.

Here is a photo of the window by itself.

The window was created by McCausland Studios in Toronto in 1926, and is one of many windows commissioned for the nave and side chapels of the Cathedral by Bishop Fallon.  McCausland is the oldest stained glass producer in the Western Hemisphere, and they still make glass to this day, currently under the name of Robert McCausland Limited.  Here are a few photos showing the dedication at the bottom of the window, the McCausland mark can be seen on the bottom right.

And to finish off this piece, here are a few photos showing the beautiful artistry in the window.  These photos show the image of Saint Dominic as well as the lovely decoration art the top of the window.

And with that I will end this post.  Stay tuned to this blog for further posts, I hope to do one of these posts on each and every one of the windows in the Basilica.  God bless you all.

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