The window is right next to the window depicting Saint Dominic, both windows are dedicated to the mother and father of Bishop Michael Fallon, Dominic and Brigid Fallon.
The window (as with the Saint Dominic window) was made in 1926 by McCausland Studios in Toronto, Ontario. Here are a few photos of the dedication on the bottom of the window, also displaying the McCauseland mark (in a slightly different position than the mark on the Saint Dominic window).
Here are a few photos showing the decoration towards the top of the window.
To finish off this post, here are some photos of the main image in the window depicting Saint Brigid of Ireland pouring wax from a candle on her skin. She is generally depicted with a candle due to the proximity of her feast to Candlemas, and I believe the pouring of the hot wax on her skin is a reference to the fact that she had purposefully disfigured her beautiful features in order to preserve her virginity intact.
I hope you enjoyed this post, please do check back for more in the future, as I will be creating a post like this for each and every one of the windows in this Basilica. Until next time thank you for viewing, dear friends, and may the Lord bless you and keep you all